Engage the Church provides courses, books, coaching, and conversations that help pastors and leadership teams engage the whole church in the church. From building next steps for new comers to sending out teams to plant new churches, Engage the Church works with you build organizational structure that works in your context.
Jim Applegate grew up knowing that God had called him into ministry. After starting a business during seminary to pay the bills, Jim stayed in business for another 15 years before being called to plant a church. The unique experience of having seminary training and business experience gave Jim a love for building gospel centered organizational structure that helps pastors and leaders Engage the Church.
Smaller and midsize churches often struggle from the same simple issue - an inability to overcome organizational complexities. Pastors are preaching well, people are loving each other, but because of a lack of organizational structure and clarity, well meaning people don’t know how to do their part in the work of the ministry. This is where Engage the Church can help.
Business leaders understand organizational structure, often seeing the need for it long before their church leadership. This is not surprising since these things are rarely taught in seminaries. If you think your church leadership could be encouraged by having Engage the Church work alongside them, consider sponsoring a course or a coaching weekend. Click here to sponsor a Weekend Experience or a Course.